

In Tirant lo Blanc high school we carry out two ways of actions:  KA1 and KA2


Inside KA1 we have got two ongoing projects coordinated by our school.

Project: 2018-KA102 TIRANT D’EUROPA

This project is an own project coordinated by the European Programmes’ team of the school, aimed at our students who are in MBO (Intermediate professional education) in the specialities of Soldering, Auxiliary nurse, Administrative management (or Administration), Pharmacy and parapharmacy, Commerce, Electrical installations and Automatic systems, Telecommunication facilities.

Throughout twelve months and in a gradual way, the students carry out training practices in companies / enterprises from Italy, Latvia, France and the Netherlands. There are a total of 20 students’ mobilities: 2 in a long-term period of 93 days and 18 mobilities in a short-term period of 37 days.

The school teachers also participate in these mobilities in order to investigate and observe new methodologies and ways of working of the educational systems different to ours, as well as knowing other FCT organization and working options. We embrace a total of 10 jobshadowings: 1 which lasts 5 days and 9 which last a week.

Project 2018 – KA102 STEPV

In this project about students and teachers mobilities, Tirant Lo Blanc high school participates as associate. A total of a teacher with three students of our school from any speciality of second course in MBO (Intermediate professional education) will develop the training practices in the following countries: Malta, North Ireland Italy and Portugal.

Project 2018-KA103

It consists in two mobilities of students on higher / upper grade from any speciality taught at school with the length of 124 days and two teachers’ mobilities of a 5 days length.


Project coordinated by the Italian Chamber of Commerce to carry out mobilities of Vocational Teachers from the Metallurgy , Mechanical and Electro-technical sectors in order to observe the working of the educational system as well as the relationships among tutors/instructors, students and companies/enterprises from our neighbouring countries as Italy and Portugal.

Xarxa FP

Xarxa FP is a project led by Barcelona town council forming a syndicate/consortium among other town councils, different institutions, educational schools and universities. Through this project it is made two teachers’ mobilities and one of a students’ from any speciality on higher grades taught at school.


We participate as a coordinated way with the Culture Department in mobilities of students from a higher degree of vocational training of our school.


Inside KA2 we have got:

TOGETHER:  actions against violence and discrimination

This project starts in November 2018 with duration of 30 months. There cooperate several centres, universities and other institutions from France, Italy, Poland and we.  It is a project of cooperation and exchange of best practices on the fight against violence and discrimination inside or near educational institutions. The purpose is to implement one or some good practices observed in our school, to manage to improve the coexistence and to reduce violence and discrimination in all its aspects.

The final product is a manual of good practices.

Project Go Vet

Go Vet project is coordinated by Italy and we participate as an associate together with Austria and Latvia, where it is worked cooperatively to establish a system of orientation and information to students since primary school, with the aim of making students able to decide academic or professional studies when they finish ESO without any doubt, provided that they get first-hand how the two systems work, specially vocational training through periods of observation and classroom working in diverse training cycles as well as the accompanying to the companies, with interviews with school partners doing FCTs, etc…


It is leaded  by Italian Chamber of Commerce in Germany, and there participate more than fifteen associates among educational centres, companies and clusters from Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Bulgaria and our school, Tirant lo Blanc.


  • To create a European curriculum of Mechatronics intermediate vocational training through an extra and parallel curricular adaptation.
  • To implement this curriculum to the 5 countries which are members of MEMEVET.
  • Accrediting this qualification through institutional bodies to the five countries by means of an own card of common qualifications and skills.
  • To promote our students’ mobilities in mechatronics’ skills in the 5 countries which are members of MEMEVET to acquire its training in the workplace of the sector.